This information can then be included as part of the optimizer decision during costing for selectivity and cardinality estimates for qualified queries which do not need to reference the view directly. 然后,这些信息被包括进来,用于帮助优化器在为那些符合条件的查询(这些查询不需要直接引用视图)的选择性估计和基数估计计算成本时做决定。
The number associated with QUALIFIED_ROWS represents the estimated number of records that would qualify all the local predicates of the underlying table reference. 与QUALIFIEDROWS相关的数代表将使基础表引用的所有本地谓词合格的估计的记录数量。
As you can see, the relationship to messages is made by qualified name reference. 如您所见,我们通过合格名称的引用来确定与消息的关系。
Thus, a qualified column reference is actually just a special case of the field selection syntax. 因此,一个全称的字段引用实际上只是一个字段选择语法的特例。
For any other type, you must provide a fully qualified type reference. 对于任何其他类型,则必须提供完全限定的类型引用。
Instantiate a ResourceManager object by passing the fully qualified name of the embedded resource file and a reference to the assembly that contains the resource file. 通过传递嵌入的资源文件的完全限定名以及对包含该资源文件的程序集的引用,可以实例化resourcemanager对象。
Whenever an assembly load statement references myassembly, these configuration file settings cause the runtime to automatically translate the partially qualified myassembly reference to a fully qualified reference. 无论何时程序集加载语句引用myassembly,这些配置文件设置都会使得运行库自动将部分限定的myassembly引用转换为完全限定的引用。
To avoid a naming conflict, locate references in your code to any names in question and use a fully qualified reference. 若要避免命名冲突,请找出代码中对引起冲突的名称的引用,并使用完全限定的引用。
A working standard ( i.e., in-house or secondary standard) is a standard that is qualified against and used instead of the reference standard. 工作对照品(也就是内部标准品或二级标准品)是根据一级对照品标定的,并用来代替一级对照品的。
Quality. Results The products were qualified and the yields reached the levels stated in the reference. 结果产品质量合格,收率达到文献水平。
The tasks and characteristics of reference work in college and university libraries require high-qualified reference work staff. 高校图书馆阅览部工作的任务和特点,决定了阅览室工作人员必须具备与之相适应的素质,才能胜任自己的工作。
It has been proved by practice, that the real quality of the seepage cutting wall concrete of The Seconda-ry Dams in The Reservoir is qualified to the design demand, and its results can be used by other projects for reference. 实践表明,黄壁庄水库副坝防渗墙混凝土的真实质量符合设计要求。分析结果,可供同类工程设计与施工参考。
Work in reference reading room is very academic and creative. Building a high-qualified reference working staff is of great importance to manage library business and offer good service. 阅览室工作是一项学术性和创造性很强的工作,建立一支高素质的阅览工作队伍,是办好图书馆事业及做好读者服务工作的关键。